Monday, February 28, 2011
Reviewing Riot
Yahh, pokoknya gitu dehh, cuma pingin ngingetin aja, di Indonesia tu orang kayak Nurdin (kayak apa hayoo, gw juga ngga tau ya, ngga ikutan) banyak, tapi banyak juga orang yang mau repot-repot mikirin karya seni dan menampilkannya dengan oke banget buat masyarakat Indonesia semua. Yang masih muda malahan banyak banget, yang pada hebat-hebat gitu. Coba deh kapan-kapan (baca: SEKARANG) search di Google pake keywords "anak muda berprestasi dan berbakat Indonesia", you'll find a lot, I promise you..
Jadi ceritanya, kemarin, 27 Februari, gw sama temen-temen nonton Jakarta Love Riot di GKJ, nihh ada sedikit foto.
p.s: makasih ya buat semua, siapa aja, yang mau repot buat Indonesia jadi lebih baik. tiap kali peluh kalian jatuh, mungkin aja udah nambah seratus orang lagi yang tau seindah apa Indonesia itu.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Rako Prijanto's Masterpiece
Serupa tubuh yang mengakar
Setiap nafas yang terhembus adalah kata
Angan, debur, dan emosi
Bersatu dalam jubah terpautan
Tangan kita terikat
Lidah kita menyatu
Maka apa terucap adalah sabda pendita ratu
Ahh...di luar itu pasir, di luar itu debu
Hanya angin meniup saja
Lalu terbang hilang tak ada
Tapi kita tetap menari
Menari cuma kita yg tahu
Jiwa ini tandu, maka duduk saja
Maka akan kita bawa...semua..
Do you remember where this poem comes from?
Yapss, it's from Ada Apa Dengan Cinta the movie.
I read it thousand times, and still get a new meaning..
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Damn, you're married !
The condition is maybe not like in the movie or the novel or also the novel which then been filmed, what actually happen is maybe only a man who feels okay with his fiancee and suddenly he turns twenty-something and his parents often ask him "when you will give us a super cute grandchildren, son?" and he already has the job and everything and the moment is right and comes the night where he downs on his knee saying what every woman deserves "would you marry me" or "would you be my wife" or "would you be the person whom I see the first in the morning, and the last person I see at night?" and so on and......whatsoever.
When the relationship you have is okay -or let's say a few higher than okay, it will be easy for you to think about further relationship which actually maybe is not for you. It's like you have a normal blood pressure, but actually you are at the end of the boundary of that normal blood pressure. Do you follow me? I hope you do. So you don't have the signal to feel that something is wrong here -something is in its way to become wrong soon. And when someday, at the cafe or hospital or at the street, you meet your soulmate, damn you're married.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Uglydoll Lost in Dubai
And this is Kooky the Kamels, I got him from my lecturer who also my boss -she is my idol and she is pretty :)
I love them both! They always accompany me when I spent my unhappy time at the public transportation :( They're cute, aren't they?
Ciao, xoxo..
"Kasihilah musuh-musuhmu, dan berdoalah bagi mereka yang menganiaya kamu." Karena dengan demikian kamu menjadi anak-anak Bapamu yang di Surga. Sebab Ia membuat matahari-Nya terbit bagi orang yang jahat dan juga bagi orang yang baik. Hujan pun diturunkan-Nya bagi orang yang benar dan juga bagi orang yang tidak benar. Apabila kamu mengasihi orang yang mengasihi kamu, apakah upahmu? Bukankah pemungut cukai juga berbuat demikian? Dan apabila kamu hanya memberi salam kepada saudaramu saja, apakah lebihnya dari perbuatan orang lain? Bukankah orang yang tidak mengenal Allah pun berbuat demikian?
"Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." Because so shall you become the children of your Father in Heaven. For He makes sun rises for the bad and also for the good person. The rain downs for the right person and also for people who are not. If you love those who love you, what's your consideration? Isn't that the tax collector (pemungut cukai -red) do so? And if you greet your brethren only, what's your overplus compare to the deeds of others? Isn't the person who don't know God had done this too?
This one is may also be good, the simple one and the-easiest-to-understand-but-also-to-forget. Read it.
The question is still the same: Can we do that?Janganlah engkau membenci saudaramu di dalam hati, tetapi engkau harus berterus terang menegur sesamamu, dan janganlah engkau mendatangkan dosa kepada dirimu karena dia.Reprove your brothers, instead of hate them within your heart, and don't make a sin for yourself because of them.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Fly fly away my butterfly...
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love is Actually All Around
When it is related to parent and kid relationship, it really doesn't easy, right? I mean, who's the name of the girl who doesn't get into a fight with his old mom?
And when it is connected to boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, it's never easy, man.. It's always like choosing a shoes that fit your feet right. Sometimes you get a bigger size, sometimes you get the opposite one, but someday we'll get our precise number, eventually (I hope!).
But, what I'm trying to say here, is that although it's only an inch different size number that we got, it still won't treat our feet right, it will hurt you so bad when you got your 5000 miles of walk, and the love will fade away, gone into the fights and tears and regrets.
So, choose wisely, and let me say HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, let's rock n roll!
Monday, February 7, 2011
My Little Confession
Kejujuran. Kekalahan. Kesombongan.
Saya bukan pelari-dari-masalah yang handal, bahkan saya cenderung kewalahan untuk tidak memikirkan sesuatu. Atau bisa jadi itu cuma pendapat saya saja, bisa jadi semua remaja atau dewasa seusia saya kepalanya juga dipenuhi dengan berjuta pikiran, yang belum tentu semuanya berguna untuk dipikirkan. Akhir-akhir ini, seiring dengan terjadinya banyak peristiwa –yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan, saya mulai menyadari bahwa ternyata masalahnya ada di saya, semua kesedihan – kekecewaan kebanyakan – hanyalah hasil dari ketidakdewasaan saya sendiri. Ternyata saya pun sampai di tempat ini, arena bagi orang-orang yang kalah. Mungkin selama ini saya terlalu arogan dan kaku terhadap pemikiran-pemikiran saya, yang juga dengan kesombongan saya, saya sebut bijaksana.
Kecewa mengetahui bahwa kemampuan dasar yang seharusnya dimiliki oleh manusia –yang memang pada hakekatnya adalah makhluk yang tidak sempurna, yaitu bisa menerima kelemahan orang lain, ternyata tidak saya miliki. Begitu banyak keluhan atas mereka yang keluar dari mulut nakal saya. Ternyata hati saya tidak jauh lebih luas dari mulut saya, untuk bisa menampung semua keluhan Si Bibir, sampai akhirnya kata-kata keluar berderet-deret darinya.
Saya benci kata ‘seandainya’, karena akan selalu diikuti oleh kata ‘mungkin’. Seperti: “Seandainya saja saya menyadarinya lebih awal, mungkin saya tidak akan seterpuruk ini”. Saya benci memikirkan semua kemungkinan yang bisa timbul, akibat dari pemakaian kata ‘seandainya’. Saya lebih tertarik dengan kata ‘semoga’, karena dia membawa harapan. Harapan itu hidup, harapan itu dinamis. Harapan menjadikan semuanya mungkin, dan semoga saya bisa terus belajar bagaimana cara menerima dengan kerendahan hati.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
There are too many reasons for someone to let his/ her love went away. Sometimes it’s only because of the parents, the look, and the attributes I called money and car. Sometimes it caused by something bigger, like the principle, the idealism and ideology, the religion. At another times, the trigger is something that unfortunately can’t be change, let’s remember the race.
And then there are another too many reasons of someone letting his/ her love went away that more painful than any other reasons. Another boy/ girlfriend to be, another love. Yeah, how about that? Or maybe another fuckin God’s decisions –which we should believe bring some goodness somehow, let’s say sickness or death. Eat those!
Well, on my inappropriate opinion side, there is also one other reason why someone letting his/ her love gone. Simply unfair –this is what exactly some of you, people, will say after read these next gross words. Just to get some fun. Just to make sure his/ herself that he/ she really into his/ her love. (Let’s pretend that the main character here is a woman, so I can call her ‘she’, just to make this writing easier to write). Maybe she left the man because she’s getting not too excited anymore into it. There’s always a good couple, married or unmarried, who gets break up because of the thing called BORED. That’s the fact, no matter how unfair it looks like for the mate.
So, the only thing you can do is to always treat your mate right. Don’t get too comfy with them till you do nothing to upgrade the relationship. Trust me, women feel bored too soon to believe. Don’t try to compete us, men, ha-ha.