Thursday, August 29, 2013


Now, after more than half of year, i have to admit that i am no longer dating the man whom i usually said as my perfect match. Not that he's no longer my perfect match. But apparently, i am not his perfect match. Too bad it is.. But life it is..

But, to sum up, i am a survivor, and i survive, or surviving. And, to be underlined, i don't blame anyone. It's just what life gives me. And i take it as journey. Always a journey, my life :). You know what makes me sad the most? Knowing that i'm no longer having a lover who was able to continue my sentence before i even finished it. But it's okay, cause ya we're (and by we i mean me and anyone who feels the same) the type of guy who don't die easily. We are all Bruce Willis in real life.

The last part of it, i want to share something pretty funny i guess, to get it from the broken-up thingy. This is my broken-hearted-steps, haha, :

DAY 1 & 2  |  Feel sad and betrayed
DAY 3 & 4  |  Blaming myself
DAY 5  |  Feel angry
DAY 6 - 20  |  Feel messed up
DAY 21 - 23  |  Feel stupid
DAY 24 - present  |  Feel better, but keep looking the way to move on

Do you feel the same?


Currently, I have new hobby and activity. Developing my brand. Yeayy!! The name is K I T E. Later, it will sell any fashion items for men and women. Now, I'm starting with bags. Love it love it love it.

For me, K I T E is a journey. When I took a walk and see many stores with its brand written big on top of the entrance wall, I always imagine K I T E will be next to them, somehow, someday. K I T E is classic and I like classic. Classic could bring its value in a simplest way without hurting eyes by putting too much attributes. So, since it's quite a journey, follow the path, follow K I T E.
Fly up high and CHEERS!

- Visit for your fashion items -

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Three Steps to Help You Find PASSION

Udah lama ya gw ga nulis tentang passion. Feels forever! The fact is gw nemuin pemikiran baru tentang passion. Coba deh inget-inget, semua cerita tentang pengejaran akan passion itu patternnya selalu sama. Orang yang suka sama sesuatu, awalnya ada hambatan, but they keep doing it and voala akhirnya mereka bisa kerja di passion mereka and like they have everything in life, happiness, balance and so on. Dan mereka SUKSES. Tapi pernah ga sih kita denger kisah dari seseorang yang pada akhirnya ga berhasil mengejar passionnya? Apakah mereka masih akan menganggap hal tersebut sebagai passion mereka dan mengakui kegagalannya? Ya iyalah Donald Trump bilang bisnis itu passionnya, ya dia Donald Trump, nyong, tapi pasti ada kan Si Budi yang juga punya passion yang sama? Tapi ada dia masih bisa bilang bisnis itu passionnya?

Jadi apa sih sebenernya passion? Ada ngga sih sebenernya? Kalo ada sih pasti ada sih, karena gimana pun juga kita ga boleh melupakan fact bahwa memang ada orang-orang yang sangat suka menari-dilarang orang tua-keep doing it-dan berhasil menjadi penari. Gw percaya itu ada. Tapi ada satu permasalahan lagi nih, ga semua orang tau apa passionnya. Some people are like born to be this and that. Deddy Cobuzier for example. Dalam salah satu TV shownya, dia cerita kalo dari kecil dia udah suka sama magic, di saat anak-anak lainnya mungkin bermain hal umum yang lain. Lalu ada satu orang yang somehow adalah kenalan keluarganya yang adalah seorang magician. Belajarlah Deddy ke orang ini. Sampe orang tuanya marah ke orang ini karena nilai akademiknya Deddy jadi anjlok. Tapi si orang ini cuma bilang ke orang tuanya Deddy, "ya iyalah nilai dia anjlok, he was born to be a magician, never an academician". Masalahnya, bung, gampang aja orang-orang bilang kerja di passion lo dong biar happy, tapi ga semua orang born that way! Most of us didn't know where to put our step. CURANG kan?! Emang iya. Liat deh poinnya, Deddy ini lahir dengan udah punya kesukaan yang mendalam terhadap sesuatu dan actually dia bisa melakukan sesuatu itu good enough than anybody else. Apa namanya kalo bukan curang coba...

Nah terus yang nyebelin juga adalah, kebanyakan orang-orang sukses itu cuma ngasih tau kalo kita harus kerja di passion kita yang nenek-nenek idiot juga udah tau. Tanpa mereka ngasih tips dalam pencarian passion itu sendiri yang lebih jelas dari sekedar "ketemu banyak orang, lakuin banyak hal baru". Well, i did all that without you telling, man. Nah berangkat dari semua pemikiran itu yang gw yakin ga cuman gw yang ngerasain hal yang sama, gw mau sharing dikit tentang proses penemuan passion kita nih. Gw dapet ini setelah gw cerita-cerita sama salah satu director di kantor gw. Dan gw rasa tips yang dia kasih cukup bisa diaplikasikan secara step by step, ga ngawang dan absurd. So here we go.

Three steps to be followed in order to help you find your passion:
1. Find your five top values in life
As mine are: flexible, balance, love, money and appearance.
2. Find three things that makes you thrilled for the last two months
Mine are inspiration by Ironman 3 movie, discovery by my last traveling to Santolo Beach and value-adding by my new role as senior associate in my office.
3. Ask in mind, what could it be? The work that could make you achieve number 1 & 2.

As simple as that. GOOD LUCK MATE!

A Journey

Sometimes I feel sad, for what has happened in my life. But not regrets. Never regrets. It's just a feeling where I lost some important things in my life, loosing moments, loosing people and the feeling of a realisation where I could never win them back. But life must go on. And i must continue. Continue my journey.